Monday, February 21, 2011

Government Debt Consolidation Loans - Consolidate Your Federal Student Loan Debts

By:Paul Sarwana
Are your debts becoming too much of a burden for you? Well, your country can help you deal with this crisis in the form of government debt consolidation loans.
Although, there are many debt consolidation loans that you can consider to can help pay multiple creditors through a single monthly payment. Your best option still may be the several government backed debt consolidation loans that the federal government offers its citizens due to various reasons.
What are Government Debt Consolidation Loans?
These loans are made available by the federal government to help you pay multiple loans and creditors using similar principles of debt consolidation like any other private program. The loan allows you to consolidate multiple loans into one. This way you only need to make one single payment each month rather than three or four.
As you already know, in most cases the loans are high-interest unsecured ones; therefore converting them in to secured loans is bound to be beneficial for the borrower as it leads to low interest rates. They save you money and make your financial planning and budgeting easier.
Debt Consolidation for Federal Student Loans
Students who have multiple federal student loans to fund their educational expenses can benefit from government backed debt consolidation loans. Government backed loans help make repayment of the loans feasible for student or parents - without the hassle of having to deal with multiple loan payments every month.
There are many loans offered by the government that are designed to help out students. There are two programs under the Higher Education Act (HEA) which can allow consolidation loans. One program is Direct Consolidation Loan Program and the other is FFEL or Federal Family Education Loan program.
In the program, the Direct Consolidation Loan program, the US Department of Education helps students through debt consolidation loans to pay off education loans. After that, a new loan is issued to the student which contains the consolidated amount of all the old loans.
In case of the FFEL or Federal Family Education Loan Program, the borrower is provided with a new consolidation loan which can be used to pay off any loan that the student might have and not just educational loans.
Government Student Loan Repayment Plans
The government debt consolidation loan programs offer four different plans to the borrower, they are:
1. ICR or Income Contingent Repayment plan
2. Extended payment plan
3. Graduated payment plan and
4. Standard plan
Each plan provides the borrower with different features to meet the requirements of the individual. This provides flexibility which is a key factor in any debt consolidation program.
Consolidating your debts can help simplify your repayment process, as all of your existing loans may not have similar payment dates and terms. You pay back different types of loans with the help of one single loan. The amount that you would need to pay every month should be lower and the pay-back may also get stretched to ease the repayment process. At the end of it all, getting a government debt consolidation loan also increases the chances of paying back your loans on time.
Read on to learn how to get []government debt consolidation loans, plus get more tips on how to choose government debt consolidation loan lenders at []

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Secured Debt Consolidation Loans: Bringing Down Your Debt Count to Zero

By: Elaine Owen
It is unlikely that while growing up you would not have heard that there is strength in unity. Well since this age old saying has braved the test of time, there must be truth in it. It is interesting that the validity of this statement is applicable to repayment of loans also. Secured debt consolidation is a type of debt repayment plan which give you an open invitation of becoming debt free at your terms.
Secured debt consolidation is a way to consolidate debt when you have security to pay for the loan you are borrowing. When it comes to secured debt consolidation loans there is no single scenario which can work for everyone. Since the debts you owe might not be the one that someone else owes. Secured debt consolidation loans are possible for every borrower who has multiple debts like credit card debts, medical bills, unsecured loans etc. 
Secured debt consolidation loans would require a security in the form of real estate (like home or any other property), car, stocks and bonds, and any other acceptable collateral. Loan amounts above £5,000 usually require consolidation of funds. With secured debt consolidation loans you will find many lenders eager to offer you a programme for they have the advantage of having their money secured. In return you get lower interest rates and flexibility with repayment terms. However, nothing comes without a disadvantage. With secured debt consolidation loans - you stand with loosing the asset you have placed as collateral in face of non repayment.
In reality debt consolidation loans are very beneficial. Your secured debt consolidation loan will have lower interest rate than what you are currently paying on all your loans. The monthly payments with secured debt consolidation loans are also low. However, this may or may not be the case. Monthly payments are dependent on your loan term. So in case you want to lower monthly payments, you can extend the loan term. And in case you want to get over the debt burden faster you can shorten the loan term. The monthly payments here will be more. This means that don't always go by lower monthly payments for secured debt consolidation loans. Always look for lower interest rates when opting for secured debt consolidation loans.
Its tempting to have all your previous debts packed into single loan but do you really know what it takes to consolidate debts. The worst thing while getting secured debt consolidation loans is to apply for them and forget about it. The loan lender who says that "we will take care of the rest" or who "promises to reduce your debt by 50%" is seriously not going to work for you. The fundamental things with secured debt consolidation loans or any consolidation is that it would "not" reduce your debts. Secured Debt consolidation is a way to payback your debts before you find bankruptcy as the last resort.
For secured debt consolidation loans, you make single monthly payment every month. This one monthly payment pays for the loans that you owe. Also your debt consolidation loans lender will be addressing your lenders henceforth. However, in case lenders would like to contact you regarding anything - be open and talk openly to them.  
Making secured debt consolidation loans work is making your personal expenses fact file in regular check. Refrain from taking loans until you have cleared all the previous debts. Make sure you are learning how to manage your money and keep a close watch on when and where your money is going. Pay your monthly payment on secured debt consolidation loans on time. Otherwise your credit situation will suffer. No debt is good or bad debt in itself. It is how you use it that makes it good or bad. So if you are stuck in bad debt situation, it is probably you. Your habits with debt and debt management have obviously not been promising. With secured debt consolidation loans you can learn debt management while repayment debts.
Writing for loans for Elaine Owen is not just  about giving advice to people but offering sensible ways to revamp their 
financial condition in a reconstructive way.To find Debt Consolidation Loans-[] Secured debt consolidation loans - Bad Credit Debt Consolidation - E Debt
Consolidation visit [] []
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Consolidation Loans for Homeowners: When Multiple Credits Become a Burden

By: Natasha Anderson
Every person dreams of finding a space of they own. Usually i
t is called a home. It is one of the priciest choices you have ever made. One way to discover the meaningfulness of this investment is take consolidation loans for homeowners.
There is considerable equity in one's home. If you have many unpaid debts, then now is the time to use that equity for consolidation loans. A decision to consolidate is good if you have two or more creditors with more than £5000 in debt. Homeowners who are facing such a situation are bound to be looking for consolidation loans. Homeowner consolidation loans are designed in case you have huge unpaid debts amounting to £25,000.
Consolidation loans combine all your unpaid debts like credit card debts, unsecured loans, store card debts etc. This single loan then is used to repay all these debts. One single monthly payments and lower interest rates are a distinctive attribute of homeowner consolidation loans.
Elsewhere it is usually boasted that consolidation homeowner loans reduces your debts. This is however, NOT TRUE. Consolidation loans under no circumstances lower your debts. It simply combines them into a single more convenient loan. You make single monthly payment instead of many and you deal with no other creditors instead of your consolidation homeowner loans lender. Homeowner Consolidations loans lender, then conduct all the further deals henceforth. But in case, your previous lender tries to contact you personally, entertain such an attempt and answer any queries directed towards you. 

Homeowner must know that there is no grey area when you look for consolidation loans for homeowners. The thing is that good or bad consolidation homeowner loans do exist but they depend on your from where you take and how you use it. Usually consolidation loans for homeowner come with better terms and conditions. Consolidation loans for homeowners have better interest rates. The interest rates are lower for these are secured loans. Consolidation loans for homeowners not only enable you to access larger amounts but are flexible enough to give you more money if any requirement comes up. Being a homeowner you can still borrow money, if you are facing job loss.
Try to be regular with your homeowner consolidation loans repayment. You don't want to make mistakes with its repayment. Take insurance, if you think you can't keep up with monthly payments. Insurance covers your monthly payments for   rel=nofollow []consolidation loans for homeowners in case of sickness, death or unemployment. But do not fall into the insurance trap of lenders. It will turn out to be an unnecessary expense. Also be wary of the lure of longer monthly payments for longer loan term. A lower monthly payment for longer time would usually mean, in layman's language, PAYING MORE. So, do not focus 'only' on paying less.
Since you are taking consolidation loans for homeowners - this is an acid test that you are not able to identify that how much debt is too much debt. Every person has a different tolerance level for debt. There is no one stop solution for debts gone awry. Make a record of your spending and find out where you need caution and where you can cut expenses. Try to look for signs which you have ignored en route to homeowner consolidation loans. Consolidation loans for homeowners are a good idea to not only overcome debts. If you have bad credit ratings, consolidation homeowner loans can be used to improve credit ratings. Consolidation is seen as a constructive endeavour for you are trying to repay all your debts. At times consolidation homeowner loans can harm credit ratings.  
There are other ways other than consolidation loans for homeowners to pay off unpaid debts. Consolidation loans for homeowners may or may not suit your purpose. If they do not look for alternatives and if they do then remember this for future - ORGANIZE YOUR SPENDING HABITS!
After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She hopes that this will help them to locate the loan that beseems their expectations. She works for the UK debt consolidation web site uk debt consolidations.To find a debt consolidation loans,debt management,debt advicec that best suits your needs visit
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